Republicans should tell the presidential debate organizers no on this...

PBS Jim Lehrer, first Pres debate, Oct 3 Denver...
CNN Candy Crowley, town hall, Oct 16, Hempstead NY...
CBS Bob Schieffer, third Pres debate, Oct. 22, Boca Raton...
ABC Martha Raddatz, VP debate, Oct 11, Danville KY...

Why do we have to have debates on PBS, CNN, CBS and ABC?  Why not throw MSNBC into the mix too?  Is the GOP leadership composed of fools (that is a rhetorical question)?  Lehrer, Crowley and Schieffer are downright hostile and completely compromised to be fair.  Martha Raddatz said troops in Iraq had a "crush" on Obama.  Candy Crowley just said Paul Ryan's pick was a GOP death wish!  Seriously?  There is no balance here.  

What the hell is wrong with the GOP?  How about one conservative moderator?  Better yet, why not a balance?  

Gateway Pundit is outraged too. 
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection is disgusted.    Candy Crowley likes bashing Republicans almost as much as she loves stuffing M&Ms in her mouth.  
Proving yet again that the best way to get a gig as a debate moderator is to make it known you’re hostile to conservatives and Republicans.
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